
Elsevier: A Higher Standard of Training

May 28, 2020
Elsevier-Website-Image.pngBrightStar Care Lubbock announces the next level of team member training and professional development through Elsevier Performance Manager and Home Health care training systems. Our team members have been expressing the need for more training and we believe Elsevier is the key to fill their needs.

What Is Elsevier?

Elsevier is an online education and performance management system. Through Elsevier our team will be assigned training videos, classes and given up-to-date information on in-person training. The system will also allow our team to track their training, licensing, and certifications. Elsevier will provide content in a variety of formats to meet training needs while allow BrightStar Care Lubbock to upload original content unique to our location.

On-Demand Education

We understand the need for team members to have access to researched based and current information on diagnosis and clinical skills. Through Elsevier nurse can brush up on skills and diagnosis when they need them and trust that information reflects today’s best practices. Elsevier provides videos, diagrams and literature that our team can access on their schedule.
Elsevier will also offer CEUs for nurses, CNAs and caregivers to help maintain their licensing requirements. They will receive digital complete certifications of all CEUs that are earned.

Personalized Training

Each team member has unique needs based on their experience and skill level. Elsevier allows for personalized training to meet the needs of our team members where they are. Through clinical competency lessons and procedure training our team will receive learning modules that show their abilities and areas of opportunity to grow their skills set.

Patient Specific Training

Our team is especially excited about creating modules that are patient specific. What this means is that before a nurse ever works with a patient they complete a module that provides education on the patient’s diagnosis, trains on required skills and medications, and finishes with our Director of Nursing’s approval for in person training.

Once our team members start their in-person training with a trainer we will be able to track their progress through Elsevier and assign additional training or retraining based on their in-person training.
Elsevier will be a powerful addition to our training but not a replacement. Our team will still have hands-on training with our team of case managers and skilled registered nurses led by our Director of Nursing and Nurse Administrator. They will continue to have opportunities to earn certifications in IV therapy, wound care, and medication administration.

We are excited to offer a higher standard of training for our team and better support the distinctive needs of our nurses, caregivers, therapist and office staff.

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