
Is this really still happening?! Developing Strategies During Relentless Pandemic Stress

April 1, 2021

Brightstar Care of Montgomery County and Howard County along with Terri Canaday from Seasons Hospice hosted a CEU program for social workers and nurses entitled:

 Is this really still happening?! Developing Strategies During Relentless Pandemic Stress

This program, in honor of Social Workers Month was attended by 97 social workers and nurses and the interactive CEU was important and timely in sharing strategies of how to cope with the relentlessness of the pandemic and the stress it has caused.  Terri spoke about the physical effects of long-term stress and how this year has been unprecedented, with lasting effects on mental health.   She shared information on resilience and grit and many in attendance commented that the presentation was very helpful and were happy to be in a community of people who were dealing with similar stressors presented by the pandemic.  We are very grateful to Terri for leading a wonderful, timely and interactive talk.  This CEU was the second in a series of 4 talks presented in 2021.
BrightStar Care of Montgomery County provides hourly and 24/7 senior home care.  

We provide patient home inspections and a full continuum of private duty home health care services, including companionship, personal care, transportation, medication assistance, and skilled nursing. We proudly serve Germantown, Bethesda, Silver Spring, Chevy Chase, Takoma Park, Kensington, Ashton, and Sandy Spring.

For more information about how BrightStar Care helps keep you safe at home, and to learn more about our local team of caregivers, skilled healthcare professionals, and home health care support for Montgomery County families and businesses, please Click Here.