
Embarrassed by Urinary Incontinence?

July 14, 2016
Aging definitely has its benefits, but age also brings about some changes we’d rather do without. Urinary incontinence is one of them, and it’s one of the most common problems seniors encounter. Unfortunately, many seniors are ashamed or embarrassed about their inability to hold their urine, and as a result, may not bring it up with their physician. Many folks who suffer from urinary incontinence also shy away from social activities, afraid of an embarrassing accident. Underlying conditions that may cause urinary incontinence include:
  • Weakened bladder muscles
  • Weakened pelvic floor muscles as a result of hysterectomy
  • An enlarged prostate or prostate cancer
  • Constipation
  • Neurological disorders (such as multiple sclerosis) or brain or spinal cord injuries that interfere with nerve signals associated with bladder control
  • Some heart and blood pressure medications can also cause urinary incontinence

Let BrightStar Care of Delray Beach Help!

If you or your aging loved one is living with urinary incontinence, BrightStar Care of Delray Beach can help in a number of ways by:
  • Providing physical support for those who can’t get to the bathroom in time due to dementia or limited mobility. Our personal care providers offer toilet and hygiene assistance, encourage frequent trips to the bathroom, care for the skin after an accident to help prevent rashes and sores, clean and disinfect accident sites and help the patient into dry clothes.
  • Providing emotional support for those who are particularly embarrassed by their incontinence. Our senior helpers help your loved one cope by encouraging a sense of humor, treating accidents in a way that keeps her dignity intact, and helping her navigate the world of pads and undergarments. We will help her find a product that allows her to continue with her usual activities without fear of an accident — including exercising and socializing.