
Core Value "Do What You Say" Featuring Employee Iristine Palmer

February 13, 2017
Iristine Palmer You hear the term Core Values quite often. It's important to know what that means. A Core Value is a principle that guides and organization's internal conduct as well as its relation with the external world. BrightStar care of Chicago and La Grange established our Core Values a number of years ago. For the next 5 weeks we will share one of our Core Values with you. Today we are featuring one of our BrightStar Care Core Values and an employee who exemplifies it. BrightStar Care of Chicago and La Grange is proud to recognize Iristine Palmer for putting into action the core value- “Do What You Say”.      “Do What You Say” •             Be on time – deliver results on time •             Finish what you start •             Be accountable to yourself and others •             Take responsibility •             Dependable