
In The News

June 18, 2021

New Alzheimer's Drug for Dementia Patients in New York

For the first time in 20 years, a drug has received approval for the treatment of a devastating disease. Many are optimistic about this breakthrough.
This week, a Rhode Island man was the first patient to receive Biogen’s new Alzheimer’s Dementia (AD) drug outside of a clinical trial. The medication called Aduhelm (adacanumab) has been approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) for use in patients in the earlier stages of disease.
Studies suggest that it may decrease the buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. These sticky substances impair brain activity. They cause memory problems and difficulty with motor functions.
With all of the news media surrounding this drug, residents are wondering. When will the new Alzheimer’s drug be available for dementia patients in New York?

New Alzhiemer’s Dementia Treatment for New York Patients

While some neurologists are optimistic, many patients should talk to their family doctor or specialist.
The cost of this treatment is said to be approximately $56,000 and there could be out of pocket costs depending on the patient’s insurance coverage.
The medication is administered intravenously. This means that it must be given through an IV site. Biogen says they have over 900 infusion centers that will be able to offer the treatment.

When Will It Be Available?

Just one day after Aduhelm received FDA approval, Biogen reported that they would start shipping the drug out in just two weeks. Some patients may have access to the treatment now. Individuals with dementia or their families who are interested should talk to their doctor about Aduhelm.

Other Solutions

Patients should remain cautiously optimistic. Currently there is no cure for (AD). This medication is only a treatment that could slow down the effects. It is still important for patients and families to consider long term planning for dealing with dementia.

How Can BrightStar Care Help?

Home Health Care Services include medical or non-medical care services provided in the comfort and familiarity of home. Depending on the client’s needs, BrightStar can provide nurses, home health aides, or physical therapists. Each situation is different and we tailor your care to your needs.

By Sarah S. Falcone BSN, RN, is a dedicated nurse and Care Manager for BrightStar Care of South Brooklyn. She has practiced caring for patients as a home health nurse and manager since 2010. Sarah is a passionate advocate for moving advanced levels of care to the comfort of home, where her clients can safely receive medical treatments they need with greater satisfaction. She focuses on patient experience, outcomes and advancing clinical models using innovative technology to better serve patients.