
Celebrate Women’s Heart Week with Your Senior Loved One

February 1, 2016

Senior Care in North Palm Beach, FL

Senior-Care-in-North-Palm-Beach-FLDid you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death of American women? Unfortunately, many women are unaware of this statistic as well as the signs and symptoms of heart disease. Since heart disease so often goes unnoticed or untreated, it can have devastating results. For this reason, the week of February 1-7 is Women’s Heart Week, a week dedicated to spreading education about this deadly disease. For senior women who haven’t thought much about heart health throughout their life, it is not too late to start focusing on heart health and to get the necessary screenings to help keep heart problems under control. Here are a few things that senior women can do for themselves and for other women this Women’s Heart Week:
Have Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Checked High blood pressure often does not have any symptoms, so it can easily go undetected. During Women’s Heart Week, senior women are encouraged to get their blood pressure checked. If your blood pressure is high, it is important to talk with your doctor about how to get it under control. Similarly, senior women should get a blood test to check their cholesterol levels. High cholesterol can lead to heart disease and/or stroke, so it is important to get high cholesterol under control.
Set Some Diet and Exercise Goals A big part of maintaining great heart health is exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet. This Women’s Heart Week, make an effort to stop bad habits such as consuming too much salt. Eating a healthy diet and staying at a healthy weight can help prevent heart disease. In addition, regular exercise can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol as well as help you stay at a healthy weight. Even if you exercise lightly, you will still see the heart health benefits.
Wear Red on February 5th February 5th is Wear Red Day - a day dedicated to heart disease prevention and awareness. By wearing red, you will be helping to spread awareness about this very preventable deadly disease and maybe inspire another woman to take control of her own heart health.
Educate Yourself on the Signs of Heart Attack Heart attacks can usually be treated if the patient seeks help immediately. This means that is very important to recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack which include chest pressure, shortness of breath, upper body pain, cold sweats, dizziness, fatigue, and nausea. Source:
If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in North Palm Beach, FL, contact the caring staff at BrightStar Care of Jupiter. Call today (561) 741-1200.