
Caregiver Technology: Integrating a Tablet into Your Care Routine

February 18, 2016

Caregivers in Jupiter FL

Caregivers in Jupiter FLLiving in a world that is highly dependent on technology and developing new versions, gadgets, and devices at a truly mind-blowing speed, it is difficult for many people to imagine living their lives without these tools. For many elderly adults, however, technology is something that they not only do not utilize with regularity, but something that they may not even understand. As a family caregiver, you can dramatically enhance your parents' quality of life, boost their independence and self-confidence, and streamline and simplify your care efforts by integrating technology into your regular care efforts. One piece of technology that can be especially beneficial in your care routine with your aging parents is a tablet. This small, versatile device is fairly easy to learn and is highly customizable so you can essentially turn it into any type of tool that you want to use within your care efforts. This one device can allow your parents to reclaim control over various aspects of their lives as well as helping you to pursue your care goals for them in a simple, effective, and enjoyable way. Some ways that you can integrate a tablet into your care routine with your elderly adults include
• Calendar. Give your parents a sense of responsibility and control over their lives, as well as more confidence and structure, with the calendar feature of their tablet. Using this calendar you can schedule events, appointments, and activities so that your parents can check to see what they are doing on any given day. You can also set alarms to tell your parents what to expect so that they can prepare properly. Some systems allow you to synch calendars so your parents could add things to their calendar and then synch it with yours so that you know when they plan something.
• Reminders. For many seniors the most difficult part of medication and treatment compliance is simply remembering when they are supposed to take their medication or do a particular treatment. Reminders tell your parents at the correct time each day what they are supposed to do, particularly when there isn't a family caregiver or home care provider present to remind them.
• Mental stimulation. Keeping your parents' minds sharp and functioning at a high level means keeping them active. A tablet offers your parents the opportunity to take advantage of a variety of apps, games, and features that your parents can use to keep their minds working.
• Communication. Social interaction is vital to mental, emotional, and cognitive health, and this is especially true when it comes to regular interaction with loved ones. A tablet is a wonderful way to encourage your parents to communicate with their friends and family members in real time through avenues such as instant messaging, social media platforms, and video chatting.
• Entertainment. For many seniors, days are filled with long periods of downtime and waiting. Tablets offer many different types of entertainment, including games, writing and drawing features, and ebooks that will keep your parents' engaged and prevent boredom. These can also offer an opportunity to engage with you and others around them.
If you or an aging loved one are considering help for family caregivers in Jupiter, FL, contact the caring staff at BrightStar Care of Jupiter. Call today (561) 741-1200.