Skilled Nursing Care in Southeast and Southwest Houston, TX

Family caregivers show immense dedication to their loved ones. Most caregivers feel fulfilled doing this job, but the truth is that round-the-clock caregiving is fraught with challenges and can quickly become overwhelming. Thankfully, you aren’t alone. BrightStar Care is here for SE & SW Houston, TX families, providing a range of care services for seniors. We offer things like skilled nursing care to help older folks manage health conditions at home. Get further details on this service and its wide-reaching benefits.

What Is Skilled Nursing?

Skilled nursing care is a specialized service provided by licensed professionals, including registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and certified nursing assistants (CNAs). These healthcare providers are trained to deliver comprehensive medical care and support to individuals who require ongoing medical attention and assistance with daily living activities.

Medical expertise is key to skilled nursing care. Traditional caregivers do not have this training, while skilled nurses are equipped to administer medications, provide wound care, and perform intravenous therapy. This level of care ensures that your loved one receives the medical attention they need in a safe and controlled environment. Skilled nurses may also work closely with physicians to monitor your loved one’s progress and adjust their care plan accordingly.

We Offer a Range of Services

At BrightStar Care, we take pride in offering a comprehensive range of skilled nursing services. Each nurse is overseen by a local Director of Nursing and is trained to offer a wide variety of skilled nursing care. We strive to meet the diverse needs of our Houston-area clients by providing all the following services:

  • Acute or chronic disease management
  • Blood draws and injections
  • Blood sugar testing
  • Home infusion therapy
  • Medication setup, administration, and oversight
  • Monitor and assess vital signs
  • Ostomy and urinary catheter maintenance
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Private duty nursing hospice assistance
  • Wound care

When to Choose Skilled Nursing Care

Deciding to transition to skilled nursing care can be challenging for caregivers. However, recognizing certain signs and circumstances can help guide this important decision. If you’re concerned about any of the following, consider skilled in-home care:

Complex Medical Needs

If your loved one requires continuous medical attention, such as wound care, intravenous therapy, or frequent monitoring of chronic conditions, skilled nursing care might be the best option. Skilled nurses have the expertise to manage these complex medical needs effectively and ensure your loved one receives the highest level of care.

Senior Safety

Safety is paramount when caring for elderly or disabled individuals. If you notice that your loved one is frequently experiencing falls or has difficulty managing daily activities, skilled nursing care can provide a secure and supervised environment. Our skilled nurses can recommend home modifications to make your loved one’s space safer.

Caregiver Burnout

Providing care for a loved one can be physically and emotionally demanding. If you are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or unable to meet the increasing care needs of your loved one, skilled nursing care can offer relief. By enlisting the support of skilled professionals, your loved one will receive continuous care while you take the necessary time to recharge and focus on your well-being.

How BrightStar Care Makes a Difference

The professionals at BrightStar Care are dedicated to delivering quality clinic care. This professional support bridges the gap between hospital and home care, bolstering continuity and excellence in healthcare for our clients.

Each of our nurses is highly qualified to provide critical care services, including wound management, injections, and chronic disease monitoring. We do all this in the home, making our services particularly beneficial for elderly clients who may find travel challenging or stressful. Home care means increased comfort, reduced exposure to external infections, and, of course, personalized attention tailored to their unique needs.

Get in Touch With Our Team Today

Skilled nursing care has countless benefits for older folks and their families. If you’re interested in trying out this service, don’t wait to contact BrightStar Care. Our friendly team would be glad to learn more about your needs and recommend a personalized care plan.

College student Shaylee says "Stephanie’s not just a nurse. She goes above and beyond, and she makes magic happen."

Contact Us

We offer many other services to meet your loved one’s unique healthcare needs. Please reach out to our team to ask about any other in-home medical or skilled nursing services your loved one may need. Contact us online or call 281.606.4335 — our team of healthcare professionals is ready to help.

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