
Why Should Your Aging Adult Try Yoga? 

March 23, 2018
Jack Nicol
bigstock-An-image-of-some-people-doing-59503310.jpgAlthough it's an ancient form of exercise, yoga might not be the first type of exercise your senior thinks of when her doctor tells her that he wants her to start moving more. It's a great idea, though, for a variety of different reasons.

It's More Inclusive than She Thinks

When you or your aging family member think about yoga, you might think it's not for her, especially if you've never tried yoga yourself. The first thought most people have is that only skinny, young people do yoga. The truth is that yoga is far more inclusive than you might realize. There are tons of adjusted positions, tools, and props that your senior can use that allow her to safely practice lots of positions.

It Gets Her up and Moving

Yoga isn't a heavy duty cardio exercise, of course, but it definitely gets her up and moving. Anything that doesn't involve sitting on the couch can help your elderly family member to improve her balance, build her strength, and lubricate her joints. Yoga is extremely low impact, so it's not going to jolt or jar her joints and muscles as she goes through a series of positions. As your senior does more and more yoga, she'll find that it's easier for her to do.

It's Great for Developing Flexibility

The big draw for most people to try yoga, of course, is that it can seriously improve your senior's flexibility. This is especially the case if your elderly family member has difficulty with her joints or with muscles that are stiff and sore. Your senior may not notice big results at first, but if she sticks with it she'll start to notice that certain positions are easier than they were when she first started.

It's about Mind and Body

Yoga is definitely about the body, but it's also about the mind. If your elderly family member is dealing with emotions and stress that she doesn't know how to manage, yoga can help her significantly. It's an opportunity for her to embrace calm and quiet and learn to breathe in a way that focuses her entire being.

Taking a yoga class is a better idea than using a video at home, although that's perfectly fine to do if that's how your senior is most comfortable. Taking a class allows instructors to help your senior correct her form and learn adjustments she can make. If your aging family member is worried about transportation, book senior care providers to drive for her.

If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in Palm Beach County, FL, contact the caring staff at BrightStar Care of Jupiter. Call today (561) 741-1200.