Dear BrightStar Care,
I wanted to write to you today to let you know the incredible impact that one of your therapists has had in Copper’s life. Taylor H., SLP is Copper’s speech therapist and her hard work and dedication to Copper has truly changed our lives! She has been working with him for close to two years now and the progress that he has made with her is truly amazing!
When she first met Copper and started working with him, he resisted therapy for months. He would yell,
scream, and refuse to cooperate. Taylor suggested that we meet at the park and worked incredibly hard at building a positive relationship with him. She showed up week after week and never, not once, did she show any frustration with him. She was so patient with him and after a few months we were able to slowly move the visits to our house.
About a year or so ago she came to me and said that she was going to be ordering some new speech cards for Copper. She explained to me that the cards were designed for kids that have Apraxia and that since Apraxia is a disconnect between the brain and moto function of the mouth, it would make sense with Copper’s CP diagnosis that there would be a disconnect. So, she ordered the cards and began using them twice a week with Copper. Copper responded well to them and slowly began saying more words.
And then about three weeks ago, Copper started putting whole sentences together! He told me the other morning, “Mama, put my walker away”. I couldn’t even believe what I was hearing! And every single day now he is saying new sentences with new words! It is incredible to see him finally being able to express himself! Yesterday, for the first time ever, he was able to come home from school and tell me about his friends! It has always been hard sending him to school and not being able to talk with him about how his day was or who his friends were and now he can!
I just wanted to share what an exciting time this is for Copper right now and none of it would have happened without the love, hard work and dedication that Taylor has always given him. Copper can be very challenging at times, and she has never given up on him and never stopped believing in him. Copper has had many therapists in his life and she is the best therapist he has ever had. I told her that she is not allowed to ever move and that she has to come to Copper’s high school graduation! Thank you for hiring such an amazing therapist and for making such a difference in Copper’s life!
With much love – Mom of a BrightStar Care patient
I wanted to write to you today to let you know the incredible impact that one of your therapists has had in Copper’s life. Taylor H., SLP is Copper’s speech therapist and her hard work and dedication to Copper has truly changed our lives! She has been working with him for close to two years now and the progress that he has made with her is truly amazing!
When she first met Copper and started working with him, he resisted therapy for months. He would yell,

About a year or so ago she came to me and said that she was going to be ordering some new speech cards for Copper. She explained to me that the cards were designed for kids that have Apraxia and that since Apraxia is a disconnect between the brain and moto function of the mouth, it would make sense with Copper’s CP diagnosis that there would be a disconnect. So, she ordered the cards and began using them twice a week with Copper. Copper responded well to them and slowly began saying more words.
And then about three weeks ago, Copper started putting whole sentences together! He told me the other morning, “Mama, put my walker away”. I couldn’t even believe what I was hearing! And every single day now he is saying new sentences with new words! It is incredible to see him finally being able to express himself! Yesterday, for the first time ever, he was able to come home from school and tell me about his friends! It has always been hard sending him to school and not being able to talk with him about how his day was or who his friends were and now he can!
I just wanted to share what an exciting time this is for Copper right now and none of it would have happened without the love, hard work and dedication that Taylor has always given him. Copper can be very challenging at times, and she has never given up on him and never stopped believing in him. Copper has had many therapists in his life and she is the best therapist he has ever had. I told her that she is not allowed to ever move and that she has to come to Copper’s high school graduation! Thank you for hiring such an amazing therapist and for making such a difference in Copper’s life!
With much love – Mom of a BrightStar Care patient