
A Day in The Life of a PDN Nurse

May 11, 2020
IMG_0395.jpgPrivate-duty nursing(PDN) in home health is typically a new concept for nurses exploring a career in home health. Nurses are familiar with the skilled nursing side of home health, but little is known about PDN. If you are interested in learning more about the two sides of home health nursing, follow the link here for an infographic on the differences and what to expect.

Below is an idea of what nurses who serve our clients though private-duty nursing can expect during their typical day.

5:30AM Wake Up

Our nurses start their day early before the sun rises. They want to allow time to start their day smoothly and arrive at their client’s home to relieve the night nurse.

7:00AM Start Shift

After receiving any updates on the client and getting schedule information from their guardians before they leave for work, the nurse begins getting the patient ready for the day. Linens and clothes are changed, hygiene completed and any med management and trach or g-tube/button feedings are completed. The morning hours are spent interacting with patient and caring for the needs as they arise.

9:00AM Physical Therapy

We want our clients to meet their full potential and therapy is often a part of their care plan. Our team works with other departments to plan and participate in their client’s care. While one of our physical therapists (PT) are working with the patient, the nurse is monitoring the patient. At the end of therapy, the PT shares some homework exercises the nurse can perform until they come for their next session.

11:00AM Family Outing

Our nurses become a part of the family’s normal routines and attend family outings and doctor’s appointments. Through preparation the family enjoys sometime going to a local park and enjoying some time the wheelchair friendly walking path. Afterwards the family and our nurse go to a dentist appointment.

12:30AM Lunch

Based on the clients care plan feedings are administered throughout the day, but around noon is when the family eats. The nurse preps the patient to sit with the family and enjoys their lunch as an extension of our client’s family.

2:00PM Nap

The morning has been busy, and our nurse lays our patient down for an afternoon nap. While the patient sleeps the nurse catches up on charting and reviews messages and updates through our electronic medical records. During this down time, our nurses will also use this time to read or complete other tasks to care for the patient.

4:00PM Speech Therapy

The patient is up and ready for afternoon therapy. Our speech-language pathologists specialize in pediatrics and has come with fun activities to help our patient vocalize. Like our PT our speech therapist trains our nurse on homework to continue until the next visit.

6:00PM Prep for Night Shift

It’s the last hour of our day nurses shift and she has our patient sitting in the living room waiting for the family to come home from work and updates their charting for the night nurse. She passes along information to the incoming nurse and they take a moment to ask about each other’s days or day off plans.

7:00PM End of Shift

Our nurse has had a full day and says goodbye to the family and the client. They go home to eat, sleep and refresh for the next day’s shift.
Private-duty nursing is an exciting opportunity for nurses who have a heart for pediatrics, enjoy one-on-one care and supporting patients through their entire care and not just a moment. If you are interested in learning more about being a private-duty nurse with BrightStar Care© Lubbock, explore our openings and apply now!