
Five Benefits of Choosing In-Home Care

January 3, 2017
woman-208723_1920Since the 1960s, Andy Williams has sung to the world that this is the most wonderful time of the year. Parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting, and hearts glowing when loved ones are near are just a few of the reasons that Andy truly believes that this is the most wonderful time of the year. But what about loved ones who have found themselves with decreased abilities? Whether they are recovering from childbirth, broken bones, are undergoing intense medical treatment, or are declining with old age, the result is the same – they are assigned to a hospital or other medical treatment or rehabilitation facility for the foreseeable future. Many of these loved ones are eligible for Orlando in-home care which offers many benefits over traditional treatment or rehabilitation facilities.  
  • Residents of treatment facilities must pay for facility amenities and services whether they are used or not. Whether a few hours a week or 24-hour, around-the-clock care is needed, loved ones receiving in-home care will pay only for the care that they need and have the flexibility to make those changes whenever necessary.
  • In addition to the high cost of a treatment facility, the move into the facility is stressful and unnerving during an already stressful time. In-home care provides the familiar environment to which loved ones are accustomed. This includes not just the physical structure of the home, but the people and even the foods that provide that feeling of home.
  • Visits from supportive family and friends increase the mental and emotional well-being of loved ones which helps them to work harder at their recovery. These visits can be spontaneous at home, unlike in a treatment facility that has strict visitation hours. Loved ones need support at all hours of the day and night.
  • In a treatment facility, it is rare for patients to have private rooms. Often, they have at least one roommate who may or may not appreciate strangers coming in and out. In-home care provides the loved one with their own bedroom and the ability to shut the door when they need a moment or two to themselves.
  • Finally, in contrast to a facility, in-home care offers personalized care. There is no schedule other than the one a loved one has always been accustomed to. In a facility, all nighttime assistance could be administered between 8pm and 9pm, but someone awake until midnight is going to need an extra round of help. Instead, in-home care offers all needs on their schedule.
  Home has the healing power, and in-home care is a cost-effective option that allows for privacy in familiar surroundings while receiving personalized care with the support of family and friends. If Orlando in-home care is something you or a family member might need, call BrightStar Care at 1-866-618-7827 for a complimentary in-home assessment.