
Paranoia in the Elderly

December 10, 2021
Paranoia-in-the-Elderly-Blog_Image_1200x628.jpgOne of the most alarming conditions a senior can develop is paranoia, a mental state characterized by persistent fears, worries, and accusations that often strike loved ones as irrational or even ridiculous. As a caregiver, you may feel at a loss about how you can help. The first step is to understand the causes of paranoia in the elderly and what symptoms to watch for. Then, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the situation and provide the best treatment for your loved one.

What Causes Paranoia in the Elderly?

Paranoia and extreme anxiety in seniors can often be traced to an underlying medical problem. It’s important to uncover this cause so you can find the proper treatment. Here are some potential health issues that could be to blame for your loved one’s developing paranoia:
  • Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
  • Brain tumors
  • Stroke, head injuries, or reduced oxygen to the brain causing vascular damage
  • Psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or depression
  • Dehydration- or drug-induced delirium and cognitive impairment
  • Untreated urinary tract infections
  • Side effects from certain medications

Symptoms of Paranoia in the Elderly

Don’t let slight behavioral changes go unnoticed, as they could become more frequent and severe if left unaddressed. Here are the signs of paranoia to watch for in your elderly loved one:
  • Showing extreme agitation, hypervigilance, or stress without explanation
  • Expressing feelings of unfair persecution
  • Being easily offended or not handling criticism well
  • Assigning harmful meanings to others’ words or actions
  • Having difficulty trusting others
It’s important to note that if a senior’s living situation makes them feel socially isolated, uncomfortable, or depressed, it may intensify the symptoms listed above.

Tips for Caregivers

Caring for a loved one with paranoia can be challenging, to say the least. Distressing behaviors and accusations from an elderly loved one may alienate or frighten family members and friends. As a result, the increased demands of caring for a paranoid older person may become exhausting if not approached the right away. Here are some tips to help caregivers navigate this difficult situation:
  • Assess the senior’s living environment: If your loved one starts showing symptoms of paranoia shortly after moving to an assisted living facility or nursing home, this could be a sign that they’re not comfortable in this new environment. It may be best to make different arrangements to improve your loved one’s mental health and quality of life.
  • Patiently explain the situation: A senior may accuse their neighbor of stealing the mail. Instead of being dismissive, investigate these concerns and provide a reasonable explanation: “Mr. Jones isn’t stealing your mail, Dad. Remember, letters aren’t delivered on Sundays.”
  • Let the senior feel heard and loved: Sometimes, the answer for a stressful situation isn’t to explain the paranoia away. Try to respond with love and understanding to a difficult situation of paranoia.
  • Keep a record: Daily journaling can help you objectively look for signs of improvement or regression in your elderly loved one. Consider any potential causes that could be triggering the behavior, and show doctors your notes when they perform medical exams.
  • Reach out for help: Ask your family members for support, connect with other caregivers for advice, or hire a professional caregiving service to provide respite care when you need a break.

How to Treat Paranoia in the Elderly

You’ll find it encouraging to learn that many seniors respond well to treatment. Here are some examples of how isolating the cause of elderly paranoia can help you find an effective treatment:
  • Problem: A senior thinks her family members are talking about her behind her back.
    Solution: A physician can check the senior’s hearing aid and may find that auditory feedback is to blame for her “hearing things.”
  • Problem: A senior is paranoid about her finances. She accuses her caregiver of stealing her wallet when in reality, she simply misplaced it.
    Solution: The family can hire a financial advisor to work with the senior and lay out the facts.
  • Problem: A senior is convinced his family doesn’t love him anymore because they don’t visit as often as he thinks they should.
    Solution: Family members can make an effort to call and visit more, calmly explaining the reality of the situation if accusations arise.
  • Problem: A senior begins showing signs of confusion and paranoia shortly after a hospital stay involving a catheter.
    Solution: A doctor can perform blood work and may discover a urinary tract infection, which causes confusion and delirium in some seniors.
If your loved one’s paranoia is causing distress and exhaustion among your family members, hiring an in-home caregiver could provide the support you need. The qualified, compassionate professionals at BrightStar Care offer peace of mind during this challenging time of changing behaviors in your loved one. We understand the difficulties you face and are committed to going above and beyond to provide the highest-quality care available. To learn more about what we can do for you, please contact us online or call us at 866-618-7827.