
How To Be A Successful Family Caregiver

March 13, 2024

How to Be a Successful Family Caregiver

The time has come to care for your aging family member and you are ready to take on the task, but there are topics to consider when getting ready for this new role. BrightStar Care of Cincinnati can help you understand the responsibilities associated with being a caregiver, as well as the rewards caregiving can bring.

1. Process Your Own Feelings About Caregiving

Working through your own feelings can be an important element of caregiving. How did you end up in this position? What is happening to your loved one? What fears do you have going into caregiving? Do you have worried or concerned for the person receiving care?

All of these feelings are very valid. You just need to work through them so that you can be the best caregiver possible to your beloved family member. Whether your feelings are grief, guilt, or worry, working through them can make you a very effective caregiver. When in doubt, seek out a family therapist.

2. Take Small Steps

Family care is about one step at a time. Just being there and offering support is a great way to care for a loved one. Tiny steps can lead to big progress when it comes to care. For example, when a loved one has a need to get mobile, just taking walks up and down the hall can lead to huge improvement.

3. Be Consistent

Even if you have to set a timer on your phone, remind yourself to check in with your loved one and make sure they are:

  • Taking meds when they should
  • Eating meals when they need to
  • Keeping up an appropriate amount of physical fitness
  • Enjoying entertainment 
  • Having enough social interaction

4. Be Encouraging and Celebrate Successes

Everyone can use a bit of positive talk and encouragement. Be your care receiver’s biggest cheerleader. No matter what the diagnosis, prognosis, or reason they are in your care, they need positive reinforcement, and this can be very uplifting for them and for you, too! Positive words have been scientifically proven to strengthen areas in the brain improve cognitive functioning.

5. Be Compassionate

Caring for a loved one requires a level of compassion that is beyond what is exercised in day-to-day life. It is important to realize that this person has had to go through a lot to be able to depend on another person for care and they need empathy and respectful understanding of what they are going through.

6. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Family and Friends for Help

Just as you are caring for your family member, you can use some assistance yourself. Don’t hesitate to delegate tasks and let family share the workload. Whether it’s sending someone out to pick up prescriptions or asking for another person to make a grocery run, it’s worth asking for assistance.

7. When in Doubt Ask the Professionals

Speaking of assistance, there are many people who can help you. Reach out to the professionals to get real help. From calling an uber to deliver food or meds to hiring a part-time or full-time nurse, help is available to you on all levels.


You’ve taken a big step in reaching out to care for your family member or loved one. Sticking to these steps should help you in knowing what to do when you are in that role. Remember to stay organized, but always show compassion.

BrightStar Care Cincinnati

In the Cincinnati/Springdale area, the place to find care for a beloved family member is BrightStar Care of Cincinnati. As part of a national in-home care service, we offer the best care. As part of Cincinnati, we are members of your community. We pride ourselves in offering the best possible care to the people you hold most dear. We employ the most qualified medical caregivers and professionals. Additionally, we hand select the most caring professionals in the field. We want to provide compassionate care to your loved one so that they can feel comfortable being cared for in their own environment. To book a consultation, please visit our website or give us a call at (513) 321-4688. We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.