

April 9, 2024

As springtime approaches, so does the possibility of severe weather events such as storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes.  For our seniors living at home, being prepared for these situations is paramount to ensuring safety and well-being.  Below are just a few ideas to get you started on your safety preparedness this month:

  1. Stay Informed:  Keeping abreast of weather forecasts and alerts is crucial for your loved ones to stay ahead of potential storms. It would be beneficial for you to tune-in to weather radio or download a smartphone app that provides real-time updates and alerts about severe weather in your area. Additionally, signing up for local emergency notification systems can also provide valuable information about evacuations or shelter locations.

  2. Gather Supplies: Having a well-stocked emergency kit is essential for weathering storms safely at home. Here are some helpful items to have in your emergency kit for you and your loved ones:

a. Non-perishable food items – Stock up on canned goods, granola bars, and other shelf-stable foods that can sustain you and your loved ones during power outages.

b. Water – Ensure you have an ample supply of clean drinking water to last several days, accounting for at least one gallon per person, per day.

c. MEDICATIONS – It is imperative that you keep essential medications on-hand, along with a list of prescriptions and dosages.

d. First-Aid Kit – Include bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any other necessary medical supplies.

e. Flashlight and Batteries – You want to ensure that you and your loved ones have access to a reliable flashlight with extra batteries for navigating in the dark.

f. Personal hygiene items – Include items such as toiletries, hand sanitizer, and sanitary wipes to maintain cleanliness and hygiene during emergencies.

3. Have a Plan: In some situations, it may be necessary for you to evacuate your home to ensure your safety. Develop a comprehensive evacuation plan that outlines escape routes, a designated meeting point, and transportation options. You should also have a list of essential items to grab before leaving, including medications, identification, and important documents such as insurance information and contact numbers.  Additionally, consider the unique needs of your loved ones, especially those with mobility issues or medical conditions when developing evacuation plans. 

In summation, storm preparedness is essential for our loved ones at home to ensure their safety and well-being during severe weather events. By staying informed, maintaining essential supplies, and having a comprehensive evacuation plan in place, you can weather storms with confidence and peace of mind.

Stay safe and prepared, Everyone!