
Medical Social Workers have Important and Rewarding Careers, Presented by BrightStar Care of Louisville

July 25, 2018

Social Workers Help Louisville Patients Navigate the Healthcare System and Work Towards Wellness

Medical social workers provide services for patients in a hospital or medical office. One of the most important duties of a medical social worker is patient advocacy.
Social workers must support their patients and advocate for their rights to safe and culturally appropriate healthcare. This may include aiding patients who struggle with literacy, financial resources, or transportation, and working with the patient’s medical team to overcome these problems. Social workers help ensure that a patient follows their physician’s medical orders, and has the support they need for a safe recovery.
BrightStar Care of Louisville works closely with discharge planners, physician offices, and social workers to ensure continuation of care at home after hospitalization.   

To learn more about our transitional care services and how we support patient care and treatment at home, please visit our website.
