
Managing Anger & Sundowners Syndrome in Loved Ones with Memory Loss

April 15, 2024

Caring for a loved one with memory loss, whether it's Alzheimer's disease or dementia, can be incredibly challenging. It's heart-wrenching to witness the changes in their behavior and personality, especially when they experience symptoms like anger and sundowners syndrome. 

At BrightStar Care, we truly understand the complexities involved in providing care for individuals facing memory loss. Our commitment lies in supporting families like yours through every step of this journey. Let's explore strategies for managing these difficult behaviors with compassion and understanding.

Understanding Anger and Sundowners Syndrome

Anger is a common behavioral symptom observed in individuals with memory loss, often stemming from frustration, confusion, or feelings of loss of control. 

Sundowners syndrome, also known as late-day confusion, refers to increased agitation, confusion, and restlessness that typically occurs in the late afternoon or evening hours. 

Understanding the underlying causes of these behaviors is crucial for developing effective management strategies. Empathy, patience, and tailored interventions play key roles in addressing these complex symptoms.

Creating a Calm and Structured Environment

Creating a calm and structured environment is vital for managing anger and sundowners syndrome in individuals with memory loss. 

Establishing consistent routines, minimizing noise and distractions, and maintaining a familiar environment can help reduce anxiety and agitation. 

Additionally, ensuring adequate lighting during the evening hours can help alleviate symptoms of sundowners syndrome and promote a sense of security and comfort.


Validation and Empathetic Communication

Validation and empathetic communication are key components of managing anger and sundowners syndrome in individuals with memory loss. 

Patiently acknowledging and validating their feelings, even if you don't agree with them, can help diffuse anger and reduce agitation. 

Using a calm and reassuring tone of voice, maintaining eye contact, and offering reassurance and comfort can help individuals feel understood and supported, fostering a sense of calm and security.

Distraction and Redirection Techniques

Distraction and redirection techniques are invaluable strategies for managing anger and sundowners syndrome in individuals with memory loss. 

By redirecting attention away from negative emotions and behaviors towards more positive and calming activities, caregivers can help de-escalate tense, difficult situations. Here are some effective distraction and redirection techniques:

  • Engage in Calming Activities: Encourage the individual to participate in calming activities that they enjoy, such as listening to music, painting, or doing puzzles. These activities can help shift their focus away from feelings of agitation and encourage relaxation.

  • Take a Walk: Going for a walk outdoors provides a change of scenery and fresh air, which helps alleviate feelings of restlessness and agitation. A leisurely stroll in a familiar environment can be a soothing and grounding experience.

  • Use Reminiscence Therapy: Reminiscence therapy involves recalling and discussing past experiences and fond memories. Engaging the individual in nostalgic conversations evokes feelings of familiarity, comfort, and happiness.

  • Offer a Favorite Snack or Drink: Providing a favorite snack or beverage can serve as a pleasant distraction and provide a moment of enjoyment, helping soothe nerves and promote relaxation.

  • Redirect Attention to a Different Activity: If the individual becomes agitated or upset, gently redirect their attention to a different activity or task. Offer choices and alternatives to help them feel empowered and in control of their environment.

Promoting Physical Comfort and Well-Being

Promoting physical comfort and well-being is essential for managing anger and sundowners syndrome in individuals with memory loss.

Ensuring they are well-rested, well-nourished, and hydrated can help reduce irritability and improve mood. 

Providing comforting measures such as gentle massage, warm baths, or soothing music fosters relaxation and alleviates symptoms of agitation and restlessness.

Medication Management and Behavioral Interventions

In some cases, medication management and behavioral interventions may be necessary to manage severe symptoms of anger and sundowners syndrome. 

Working closely with healthcare professionals, including physicians, psychiatrists, and occupational therapists, ensure the most appropriate treatment approach is followed, based on the individual's specific needs and circumstances.

Behavioral interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or mindfulness-based techniques, can also be beneficial in addressing underlying causes of anger and agitation.

Caregiver Support and Self-Care

Caring for a loved one with memory loss can be emotionally and physically demanding, making caregiver support and self-care essential aspects of the caregiving journey.

Prioritizing self-care and seeking support when needed can help caregivers maintain their well-being and resilience. Here are some tips for caregiver support and self-care:

  • Take Regular Breaks: Schedule regular breaks throughout the day to rest, recharge, and engage in activities, like exercise or meditation, that bring joy and relaxation.

  • Reach Out for Support: Don't hesitate to reach out for advice and emotional support from family members, friends, or support groups. Sharing experiences and feelings with others provides validation and encouragement.

  • Set Realistic Expectations: Recognize that you are doing the best you can in a challenging situation. Set realistic expectations for yourself in your caregiving role, and be kind and compassionate towards yourself.

  • Practice Stress-Reduction Techniques: Incorporate stress-reduction techniques into your daily routine, such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation. These methods aid in reducing stress and fostering feelings of tranquility. 

  • Seek Professional Help if Needed: If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or struggling to cope with the demands of caregiving, don't hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor can provide additional support and guidance to help you navigate the challenges of caregiving.

By prioritizing self-care and seeking support when needed, caregivers can better cope with the demands of caregiving and provide compassionate care to their loved ones with memory loss. 

Remember that taking care of yourself is essential for your well-being and your ability to provide quality care to your loved one.

Professional Care and Support

In some cases, managing anger and sundowners syndrome in individuals with memory loss may require professional care and support.

BrightStar Care offers comprehensive memory care services tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals with memory loss and their families.

Our trained caregivers provide personalized care and support, including assistance with daily activities, medication reminders, and emotional support, to help individuals with memory loss live with dignity and independence.

Managing anger and sundowners syndrome in loved ones with memory loss requires a multifaceted approach that addresses their physical, emotional, and social needs. 

By creating a calm and supportive environment, practicing empathetic communication, promoting physical comfort and well-being, and seeking professional care and support when needed, families can effectively manage these challenging behaviors and improve the quality of life for their loved ones with memory loss.

At BrightStar Care, we are committed to supporting families in navigating the complexities of memory loss and providing compassionate care and support every step of the way.


Contact BrightStar Care of Melbourne Today! 

BrightStar Care of Melbourne provides a team of professionals ready to care for you and your loved ones. We understand the challenges faced by caregivers and are committed to providing compassionate care that meets the needs of those we serve. If you would like more information about our services, please visit our website or call us today.

Contact us today to learn more about our companion care services. Our office is located at 3270 Suntree Blvd Suite 101, Melbourne, FL 32940, United States. You may also call us at 321-549-0292. We look forward to hearing from you soon!