
Tips for Phoenix / Tempe Caregivers

July 22, 2019

Tips for Phoenix / Tempe Caregivers

When Should You Call For Medical Help?

Tips for when a caregiver needs to call the Doctor

If you’re a caregiver, calling the doctor, especially in the middle of the night, can be really intimidating. You want to make sure you’re advocating for the patient, but you also want to make sure you’re being taken seriously.

Here are some tips to make the process go smoothly:
Double check: Does this situation really necessitate a phone call? Is the problem something that warrants immediate action, or is it one that you could address later or just keep an eye on?

Call the Right Doctor: If there is a team of physicians treating the patient, have you contacted the correct one for the issue at hand? If you have trouble deciding which doctor is more appropriate, ask a seasoned co-worker for advice before you make the call.

Be prepared: Have any information you might need in front of you, including EKG strips, lab values, and medication records. If your facility uses a computerized charting system, make sure you are logged in before you call.

Anticipate: Use critical thinking to try and guess what the doctor might ask and provide the information beforehand. For example, if you have a patient with no urine output in his foley bag, you might say, “There have only been 30 cc’s for the past 6 hours. I checked the foley placement and also gave the IV Lasix and fluids you previously ordered.”

Don’t Waste Time: Only give the most relevant information you need to for the problem at hand. State the patient’s name, relevant history (vitals, meds, lab values), your assessment, and your recommended solution, if appropriate. Always read back the order you are given.

Outside of emergencies, older adults need to see the doctor when a medical condition gets worse or a new problem develops. There are also important wellness checks and regular check-ups that should not be neglected. For more information on these tips please visit our BrightStar Care article By: Sharon Roth Maguire, MS, RN, GNP-BC, Chief Clinical Quality Officer, at BrightStar Care, here. Source:
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