
The Benefits of Music in Elderly Care

September 15, 2022
We all know how important music is in our lives and how it has a profound impact on our lives. Our lives are enriched by music from infancy to old age. This is especially true for elderly care. Music therapy offers many benefits to the elderly, including improved mood and reduced anxiety. Besides stimulating the memory and cognitive functions of the brain, music can also enhance the recall of memories. Those who live in isolated or group settings can also benefit from music as a sense of social interaction and connection. The provision of music therapy programs in senior care facilities can provide their residents with a source of enjoyment and relief from the challenges that come with aging, something that can be a great benefit to their residents.
Do you plan to incorporate music into your elderly care plan in the near future? Learn how music therapy plays an important role in enhancing the quality of life for elderly people by continuing to read this article!

Music Therapy: What is it?

Taking care of the elderly can be both a challenging and rewarding job. Finding ways to keep residents engaged and mentally sharp is one of the biggest challenges when caring for the elderly. It is becoming more and more popular for caregivers to use music therapy as a way to improve the minds and health of the elderly. The purpose of music therapy is to improve cognitive function and emotional well-being through the use of music. Live or recorded music can be used in therapy sessions, and sessions may be conducted individually or in groups. Music therapy can boost morale and mental acuity among elderly patients, and it can be a great way to boost their mental abilities. Depending on the individual's needs, therapists often recommend calming or energizing music to their patients. In any elderly care facility, music therapy can be an enjoyable and beneficial addition.

How Does Music Therapy Work for the Elderly?

The use of music therapy in elderly care facilities has been helping to improve the quality of life for their residents for many years now and this trend is set to continue in the future. A growing body of evidence is proving the effectiveness of music therapy in providing care to the elderly, and the benefits of music therapy are well documented.

In what ways does music therapy work, you ask? When used to help elderly people deal with the challenges of aging, music has the unique ability to evoke emotions and memories. Many elderly people experience loneliness and isolation as a result of the loss of friends and family members. Positive music that brings back happy memories can boost their mood and give them a more optimistic outlook on life. Additionally, music can help alleviate anxiety and depression.

Besides its emotional benefits, music therapy can also improve cognitive function in the elderly. It has been found that listening to music can help improve memory, concentration, and attention span. Elderly persons suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's disease can benefit greatly from music therapy, as music therapy is especially beneficial in treating these conditions. A familiar tune can help trigger memories and stimulate cognitive activity when you listen to it on a regular basis.

So Why Consider Music Therapy?

We have known for a long time that music has the power to heal. The benefits of music include lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety, and increasing social connectivity. Besides combating loneliness, depression, and memory loss, music can also help the elderly deal with loneliness. A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health found that music therapy improves the quality of life of older adults.
Including music in an elder care plan is always a good idea. There are several reasons for this:

1. Stress and Anxiety in Seniors are Reduced

There is no doubt that music therapy has become increasingly popular over the past few years as a means of reducing stress and anxiety in seniors. The results of the use of music therapy in elderly care facilities around the world have been very positive, and the use of music therapy has been incorporated into the care plans of many of them. There is evidence that music therapy can help reduce high blood pressure, improve heart rate and respiration, and reduce stress hormones. Aside from increasing cognitive function and reducing the risk of falling, music therapy can also enhance cognition. The benefits of these programs can make a significant difference in the quality of life of seniors. Having said that, music therapy is noninvasive, affordable, and most importantly, effective. It is likely that music therapy's popularity will continue to grow as more seniors and caregivers become aware of its benefits.

2. Improves Their Mood and Outlook in Life

In spite of the fact that most people think of the elderly as frail and in need of constant care, the fact is that seniors are often quite independent and can manage quite well on their own. Nevertheless, as people age, they may start to experience changes in their mood as they age. If they do not have any family or friends nearby, they may feel isolated and lonely as a result, especially if they do not have relatives nearby to provide support. According to a recent study, music therapy has been shown to be an effective way to improve seniors' moods, increase their social interaction, and enhance their overall positive outlook on life. Often, elderly care facilities offer music therapy programs to their residents, and many of these facilities see a significant improvement in their interest levels as a result. Because of this, music therapy is becoming an increasingly popular method of improving the quality of life of seniors.

3. Boosts Memory and Cognitive Function

Music therapy helps the elderly to process and maintain their memories, which is why it is a great tool for combating dementia. It is common for seniors to experience declines in their memory recall and other cognitive abilities as they age. Injuries or accidents can result from this, which can decrease the quality of life. Music is able to create strong connections with places, memories, and events, which makes it a pleasant experience for the elderly. It is common practice to encourage dementia patients to listen to music that reminds them of their childhood, which in turn creates a positive response from them.

4. Boosts Creativity and Expression

The physical and mental challenges our loved ones face as they age can be difficult to cope with. As a powerful tool for expressing one's self and exploring creativity, music therapy is becoming increasingly popular among elders. The use of music can help elders connect with their emotions and form new memories by creating positive, and memorable experiences. Additionally, music therapy may be able to provide a creative outlet for individuals who cannot participate in other forms of creative expression. The benefits of music therapy for elders living in assisted care facilities are numerous. Music therapy can improve the quality of life of elders by helping them connect with their emotions and creativity.

5. Enhances Social Interaction

Patients can often find elderly care facilities overwhelming and confusing. It can be difficult to keep track of names and faces when there are so many people coming and going. As a result, mental and physical health can suffer because of feelings of isolation and loneliness. Using music therapy to promote social interaction among elderly patients is one way to make this happen. Everyone can relate to music, regardless of their age or background. Music therapy offers patients the opportunity to express themselves non-verbally and creatively. Through social interaction during music therapy sessions, patients can feel more connected to others, improving their mood and quality of life.
There are many benefits for both the senior citizen and the caregiver when music is included in a plan for elderly care. In addition to being incredibly simple, it costs little money and improves the quality of life for seniors. When planning elderly care, be sure to include music!

Call BrightStar Care of West Portland Today!

We invite you to contact us today if you would like to learn more about how we incorporate music therapy into our services, as well as our other wide range of caregiving services! You can also reach us by phone at 503-620-6011. Hopefully, we'll hear from you soon!