
Time Is On Your Side: Early Detection of Alzheimer’s

April 17, 2023
Awareness of Alzheimer’s disease has grown tremendously in the United States given the attention it gets from the medical field and the rising diagnoses rates over the last decade. But what most people don’t know is that is can take as long as two years to get a proper diagnosis, resulting in precious time lost for proper treatment. There are several reasons why this happens. Emotionally, children of elderly parents may be hesitant, initially, to face the reality that their once vibrant Mom or Dad may be declining mentally as well as physically and may be struggling to care for themselves. The perception of being treated differently and the concern about the cost to manage the disease are also barriers to addressing the issue head-on. And for those who are ready to address it, as well as for medical professionals, it can be quite difficult to distinguish between normal signs of aging and symptoms that are reflective of the onset of Alzheimer’s. However, open and honest conversations with your loved one and their healthcare providers are an important first step to early detection, which has significant benefits. It can ease the anxiety about why they are experiencing certain symptoms and provides your family the chance to maximize the time spent together. Medically, the patient has the opportunity to benefit from advanced medical treatments for early onset, as well as be eligible to participate in a wider variety of clinical trials. Early diagnosis also allows you and your loved one to plan for the future and make more informed decisions about medical care, housing and even important lifestyle changes that may slow the onset of the disease. All of these opportunities ease the emotional as well as the financial stresses for all family members. Once a diagnosis is made, we know it can be life changing for you and your loved one. It is important to know you don’t have to travel this new journey alone. “We pride ourselves on excellence in service and offering caring, personalized assistance to every client”, says Susan Nimnuan, Vice President of BrightStar Care of Naples/Ft. Meyers. BrightStar is here to help you navigate how best to help your elderly loved one. We have resources and services that offer compassionate care from highly trained professionals. You can learn more about our services HERE.