
Welcome Breakfast for New La Grange, IL Teachers

August 17, 2018
Linda Kunicki
For 53 years the West Suburban Chamber of Commerce and Industry has organized the WELCOME BREAKFAST for new teachers and administrators for the schools in the chamber’s 9 areas of service.

BrightStar Care of La Grange has proudly supported the event with door prizes for the new teachers and administrators for 5 years. Our very own Linda Kunicki attends and picks out the door prizes with special items such as this year with insulated star lunch bags and generous gift cards for a variety of restaurants.

This year we enjoyed special presentations from Congressman Lipinski and District 106 did a talk about social and emotional learning.

We support community events at BrightStar Care of La Grange, because we believe that caring is more than just a job– it’s a way of life.

Learn more about us and our care services and staffing for ALL ages!

@wscci @HelpingHandCenter @district106 @stcletusschool @LaGrangeDistrict105 @LIndaKunicki @JoeDuellman
