Team Approach to Family Caregiving for an Older Person

Team Approach to Family Caregiving for an Older Person

July 31, 2023
Peter NeCastro
Having a support team can can make all the difference in the world for the 54 million people who are caring for a family member. The average family caregiver provides 25 hours of care per week and 25% of caregivers provide 44 hours a week of care. Spreading the responsibility across a team of people can lessen the burden that often falls on one key person in the family.

We like to encourage families to take the TEAM approach to caregiving. This is useful information to share on a broader scale to help seniors and their families.


Let me explain the TEAM acronym:

T: Time to Act – encourage families not to ignore the warning signs. As a care manager, I try to get the family together and engage them all in the process.
E: Establish a Plan – identifying needs, assessing safety concerns, and creating a plan that addresses needs is always our goal. I am always willing to help families establish and implement a solid plan.
A: Accept Each Other – an open environment is created when everyone focuses on their loved one’s needs. We see a lot more involvement when everyone contributes based on their strengths.
M: Meet Regularly – families that meet together stay together. We encourage families to be intentional about meeting, sharing feedback and tweaking the plan as needed to continually meet the needs of their loved one.

You don’t have to do this alone. Call me at (440) 613-1500 or contact my office to schedule a TEAM meeting. You’ll be glad you did!