
Going Mobile – How to Improve A Senior’s Mobility and Reduce Falls

September 10, 2018

September is Fall Prevention Month in Erie!


Going Mobile – How to Improve A Senior’s Mobility and Reduce Falls

Improving Erie senior’s mobility is not only about safety — it’s also about dignity and independence and reducing falls. Several factors affect mobility such as antipsychotic drug use, restraint use, incontinence, poor nutrition and fear of falling. Each of these obstacles can be overcome.

Falls among the Erie seniors are one of the main reasons people over 65 go to the hospital. Besides the pain and loss of life, the economic cost in the United States is in the tens of billions of dollars annually from falls that are in most cases preventable. BrightStar Care of Erie helps to reduce the falls in the elderly with our RN led care and assessments.

Learn more Fall Prevention Tips for Erie Seniors - CLICK HERE 

BrightStar Care® of Erie, PA - Provides compassionate, personalized care to people with a life limiting illness or injury, in conjunction with the family and primary hospice provider. A caregiver or nurse from BrightStar Care® of Erie can also give families solace in knowing that their loved ones are being cared for, even when members of the family are not able to be there.

Visit our website to learn more about our skilled nursing, and home healthcare services