
The Most Common Health Issues Neglected By Seniors

January 11, 2024
Florida has a well deserved reputation as a prime retirement spot. It is a destination for retirees because of the warm sunny days, beautiful beaches and attractive senior living communities throughout the state. Florida also has great healthcare. Unfortunately, none of these desirable attributes preclude our seniors from neglecting the most common health issues that can afflict the elderly:

Falls. According to the CDC, In the year 2020, nearly 25% of all older adults aged 65 and older living in Florida reported falling at least once. Falls are the leading cause of death among this age group on a national level. So, it’s important that the elderly call their medical professional and get checked out – even if they believe they are not hurt.

Memory Loss. Florida ranks second in the nation with almost 13% of older residents afflicted with Alzheimer’s. Increasing memory loss is a common issue and is stress-inducing for elderly. Getting a proper assessment and medical diagnosis can ease that stress and also help get timely treatment to optimize quality of life.

Loneliness and Depression. Symptoms of mental health decline are easily missed given their nature, yet it can have a significant effect on the person’s quality of life and physical wellbeing. Often, seniors don’t express how they are feeling about changes in their life like loss of loved ones, shrinking social circles and changing societal roles. Living alone can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and sadness. A check-up with a medical professional who can assess mental health issues is a good first step in diagnosis and treatment.

Pain. Everyone experiences physical pain at some point, but as we age pain can become a consistent condition and from a variety of reasons. Chronic pain can cause elderl to retreat from daily living and activities which in turn has an impact on mental health.

Chronic Conditions. Conditions such as MS and Parkinson’s may have already been diagnosed but it important to ensure your loved one continues to get regular medical care and treatment as they age.

As a care provider or family member of an aging Floridian, you can be their best advocate by closely observing your loved one for signs of any of these issues and promptly getting them the medical attention they may not get for themselves. Florida is about sun and fun and all our residents should be able to enjoy the state’s best offerings as they age!