Life just Changed. How do you Provide Care for an Elderly Parent who Suddenly Cannot take care of Themselves?

Life just Changed. How do you Provide Care for an Elderly Parent who Suddenly Cannot take care of Themselves?

April 9, 2024

There are many emotions involved in taking care of a loved one. Confusion can set in. If you have had the following questions, you are not alone:

  1. How do I lift my parents out of bed without hurting them or myself?
  2. How do I prevent my loved one from falling?
  3. How do I get them from the bed to the toilet efficiently and quickly?
  4. How do I maintain their dignity while bathing them?
  5. How do I keep them entertained when their mobility is compromised?
  6. Is it safe for them to live alone?

First, build a support system with friends, family, or professionals. This is a difficult time to see your parent’s health decline. A lot of emotions can come into play, and sometimes depression can occur. It is important to create a safe space where you can talk and find help. 

Secondly, there are many tools and methods that can help you in your new situation. Find a good way to communicate with your elderly parent whether you are at home or not. Keep your eyes and ears open even when you are in another part of the home by having a two-way talking system. Develop a video cam system with equipment that you are comfortable with. It could be with two iPads, or cameras, or phones. With iPads, you can keep them open, so you have a method of maintaining visual and open communication.

There are tools, such as bath chairs or benches, remote control beds, gait belts, and more to help you with lifting and bathing. Always maintain good posture as you lift. Keep fit by exercising and eating right. Take care to handle any fractures or sprains your parents may have. Provide support under these areas as you lift to prevent further issues. 

There are portable toilets and bed pans if your parents have issues with getting to the bathroom in a timely manner. Relax them and reassure them that it is ok to use these tools. Give them some privacy if possible. If there is any further embarrassment, aides are available through private home health care agencies. Also, putting a curtain up might help the situation.

There are many physical rehab places in Aurora, Stow, Twinsburg, Hudson, and Akron, but getting one-on-one help from a private agency like Brightstar Care of Hudson/ Solon can be a good answer for part-time of full-time care. Brightstar Care of Hudson/ Solon can also come into your home and explain how to use tools and methods of best practice.

There is always support. Sometimes, churches, temples, or other social organizations can provide answers or help. Reach out to others. It is an important part of the journey.