

December 27, 2023

Caring for Hand Tremors in Naperville, IL

Hand and Body Tremors in Loved Ones: A Sign of Parkinson's

Before her mother started getting concerned, 40-year-old Kate assumed that her dad's symptoms were only due to his age. Having recently turned 78, he's been needing more help than usual, but nothing that Kate felt was too out of the ordinary. But now, she's noticed Dad's hands are shaking more and more, even when he's sitting and relaxed. Kate decides to look into hand tremors and the other symptoms of Parkinson's disease to figure out how to help Dad.

Know How Parkinson's Tremors Appear

Kate's first course of action was to learn how and why hand shaking might occur. She finds that Parkinson's causes a drop in dopamine, which in turn leads to hands that shake. Hand tremors appear in two main ways: resting and action. Resting tremors occur when the body is still and relaxed, while action tremors may happen when Dad is doing something that requires motor skills. He may have a harder time holding a book or using the TV remote.

Getting Help Managing Tremors

Once Kate has done her research and identified several more Parkinson's symptoms in her dad, she encourages him to see a doctor. When he visits his physician, he learns a lot more about ways to manage tremors throughout the body. The doctor informs Kate and her father of specific medications that can lessen symptoms, as well as a few surgical interventions that can be used in severe cases. For now, Dad's doctor recommends looking into home health care services, such as BrightStar Care's Naperville, IL location.

Are Tremors Always Early Signs of Parkinson's Disease?

Just like any family member would, Kate hoped that Dad's hand shaking wasn't due to Parkinson's disease. After all, tremors are a symptom of other conditions as well. Essential tremor is often confused with Parkinson's—it involves shaking hands and forearms and typically occurs during physical activity. This condition usually occurs on both sides of the body, which sets it apart from Parkinson's tremors that tend to start in one limb. While tremors and hands that shake aren't always tell-tale signs of Parkinson's, it's best to check with a doctor soon after symptoms set in.

How BrightStar Care Can Help

Kate is glad she took the time to observe her father's symptoms and seek the proper medical care for him. Catching the early signs of Parkinson's means a better chance at treatment, and she wants Dad to maintain a high quality of life for a long time yet. Kate recognizes that she and her mother don't have the tools to care for Dad's new symptoms, so she reaches out to her local BrightStar Care. There, she finds an array of in-home services that help to keep Dad happy and healthy. Get in touch with our Naperville team to learn more about how we help families like Kate's.

  1. Parkinson's (US)
  2. Parkinson's (UK)
  3. Essential Tremors (Parkinson Foundation)