
15 Years in Home Care Franchising Has Enabled Me to Help My Community at Large

November 2, 2023
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Fifteen years ago, I was introduced to the world of franchising through BrightStar Care, a nationwide home care franchise.  I had previously worked in the healthcare industry for 12 years, but I was eager to make a career shift.  Home heath sounded very attractive and I leaped at the opportunity of merging my passion of working in healthcare with my desire to own a business.

I came to the field of home care franchising with an MBA and a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, however regardless of your professional background, franchising can be a smart investment for anyone interested in pursuing entrepreneurship. With the senior population growing quickly as baby boomers age into the category, the demand for businesses like home care is rapidly increasing.

Over the course of 15 years, my talented team has provided more than 1.7 million hours of home care service to the communities across Placer County and Sacramento County. I have also employed nearly 2,000 care givers and we have served almost 2,500 clients.  At BrightStar Care of Roseville and Sacramento/Carmichael, we are passionate about providing a higher standard of care for our clients. While we serve community members of all ages, we have a large number of clients within the senior and veteran populations. We offer all our clients a highly personalized, compassionate approach to care and specialize in dementia and Parkinson’s care, supporting the seniors and their families in our community. We also provide home health services which includes infusions, wound care, and physical therapy, as well as medical staffing services to healthcare facilities.

In addition to the outstanding care that we provide our clients, we are very involved with our community and passionate about providing resources through various community support groups, seminars, and training. We hold several support group meetings monthly that are open to the community for families and those impacted by Parkinson's, Alzheimer’s or dementia, those seeking senior care assistance, and those wanting learn more about the disease process.  We found these activities introduce the community to the benefits of aging in place with the assistance of home care and how it can help improve the lives of their aging loved ones.  Our long-term care insurance seminars are some of our most popular events, as we help the public understand how to optimized their long-term care insurance benefits.  During our seminars, we help people understand their policies, review how to initiate claims, and coach them on how to maximize their benefits.

We look forward to continuing to improve the lives of our clients and their families, while simultaneously contributing to the community and providing our caregivers, nurses, and therapists a desirable place of employment.