
Celebrate July 4th with the Gift of Independence Through Home Care!

July 1, 2021
Daniel Peters - Sales & Business Development Director
Most Americans would agree the Fourth of July is a highly-cherished holiday, as it commemorates freedom and the country’s birth. But the celebration can also be used as an opportunity to look at independence more personally. The fact is many people lose independence as they age, and seniors naturally desire to remain in control of their own lives.

Some older folks feel pressured to move into “assisted living” as they decline physically. Understandably, families worry about vulnerable loved ones’ safety and quality of life when left alone. But many times, the relatives in question don’t want to move. And they may not want to live communally with other seniors either.

Fortunately, Torrance home care services can help older folks safely and comfortably live out their golden years without selling their beloved house or moving. Here are important considerations families must keep in mind when discussing living options with aging loved ones.

Physical Limitations vs. Cognitive Function

Many seniors need physical assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), such as bathing, dressing, toileting, cooking, and housekeeping. But these same folks may be 100% fine cognitively. So, they’re mentally independent but physically constrained.

It’s only natural that an alert senior wishes to make her own life decisions. She doesn’t want relatives treating her like a child, regardless of their intentions. Families should feel free to voice safety concerns with these aging loved ones but must ultimately respect their desires regarding living arrangements.

On the other hand, some seniors suffer significant cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s, and dementia. These folks cannot always make their own decisions and families have a moral obligation to look after their safety and well-being. It’s important for adult children and other younger relatives to understand the differences between physical and cognitive limitations and how they affect a loved one’s self-determination.

Emotional Well-Being

There are times when “Mom” would no doubt be safer living in an assisted living community. Perhaps she’s had multiple falls or medical emergencies. Or maybe she suffers from self-neglect and poor medication adherence. However, the determination gets more complicated when assessing emotional and psychological health.

While “Mom” may be better off in an assisted living facility physically speaking, the emotional toll of moving and leaving her cherished home may offset any benefits. Mental health is important too—especially for seniors whose longevity strongly correlates with attitude and positivity. In other words, families may not want to force their resistant mother to move if doing so could push her into a deep depression.

Mitigating Risks

Families with cognitively-alert but physically impaired loved ones should balance independence and safety with risk-mitigating tools that can offset dangers. If the risk can be reasonably limited through technology or other resources, then a family may not want to pressure their loved one to give up independent living and the associated quality-of-life benefits.

For example, an aging parent who has had recent falls but can otherwise remain safely at home might simply need a fall-alert or emergency response solution. These are affordable services with subscriptions in the $20 to $30 per month range and provide real solutions that address many safety concerns. And a loved one who is mostly alert mentally but forgets to take his medications might simply need a medication reminder technology. In these scenarios, forcing the senior to move into assisted living might be a drastic solution to easily-resolved challenges.

In-Home Care Options

Healthcare technology has come a long way in recent years, but it’s still not enough to help all seniors and vulnerable patients age-in-place safely at home. A fall-alert service will notify paramedics and families to emergencies, for example, but it doesn’t prevent them from happening in the first place. And an aging person who needs assistance with walking, showering, dressing, and other daily activities will ultimately require a literal helping hand.

Fortunately, a trusted South Bay home care agency can provide caregivers to assist folks who live alone and need regular care. These aides can help day or night, and services can even run 24/7 for months or years on end. Families and seniors can get as little or as much help as needed courtesy of dedicated home care agencies and their staff of caregivers in Torrance, Manhattan Beach Palos Verdes and nearby regions.

By definition, home care is the single best option for seniors who need daily care but wish to age-in-place at home. No assisted living facility, no matter how nice it might be, provides a viable alternative to folks who resist communal living. Some senior living communities work hard to provide independence, but ultimately their residents always share a common building with dozens or hundreds of other people.

Financial Implications & Resources

Surveys show most seniors prefer to age-in-place at home when given the opportunity, but financial considerations must always be factored into senior living decisions. South Bay home care services are affordable to those who use them intermittently, though they can add up for people who need 24/7 assistance. These seniors sometimes opt for assisted living simply as a matter of practicality and financial necessity. Other people have the financial resources to pay for all necessary home care services and are happy to do so to maintain their independence.

But many aging family members will find they can use Torrance caregiver services to facilitate aging-in-place while identifying alternative ways to cover the expense. Some leverage “funding sources” that can supplement the cost of care. Others craft creative schedules that alternate professional home care aides with family caregivers. And many compliment home care with technological tools, such as the afore-mentioned emergency response systems, that address safety concerns during gaps in care.

It’s worth noting that major funding sources typically include veterans’ benefits, long-term care insurance, Medicare Advantage benefits, and regional South Bay senior programs and grants. They are not available to everyone and usually don’t cover all the costs. However, they can sometimes provide supplemental financial support that makes a real difference.

Parting Thoughts

Freedom has been an important component of American society since the country’s inception. But individual liberty extends far beyond the realm of politics. And for seniors, the loss of personal independence due to physical decline is very scary.

Families may feel it’s best to immediately consider assisted living facilities when their aging loved one shows signs of decline. But rash decisions are not always wise and may also prove unfair to the older relative who is otherwise alert and happy. Ultimately, some families and seniors will find that Torrance home care (caregiver services) strike the right balance of safety and freedom by facilitating safe aging-in-place at home. And affordable technology can add an additional safety net for extra peace of mind!

If you’re seeking in-home care for your loved one, friend or patient, be sure to call BrightStar Care today for a free assessment from our Director of Nursing!