
Is It Dangerous to Recover at Home Alone After Surgery? Presented by BrightStar Care of Williamsburg

July 25, 2018

Can Your Return Home From The Hospital Be Dangerous?

Coming home from the hospital is actually more dangerous than you might expect, and there is a high likelihood of readmission if proper precautions aren’t taken.  

Here are facts from AARP’s Public Policy Institute:

  • One in five Medicare beneficiaries is re-hospitalized within 30 days of discharge; one in three is readmitted within 90 days
  • More than 20% of older Americans suffer from five or more chronic conditions that account for 75% of total Medicare spending—mainly due to high rates of hospital admission and readmission
  • It is estimated Medicare spends approximately $17.4 billion in annual readmission costs
It is therefore important to find ways to improve transitional care in order to decrease the likelihood of an adverse event or readmission.
 “Care transitions” describe the movement a patient makes between healthcare practitioners and environments as their condition and care requirements change.  For example, a patient might receive care from a specialist in an outpatient setting, then transition to a hospital physician and nursing team during an inpatient admission before moving on to yet another care team at a skilled nursing facility.  Finally, the patient might return home, where they may receive care from a visiting nurse. Each of these shifts between care providers and settings is defined as a “care transition.”  “Transitional care” is the set of actions designed to ensure the coordination and continuity of healthcare, as patients transfer between different locations or different levels of care within the same location.
BrightStar Care of Williamsburg works closely with discharge planners, physician offices, and social workers to ensure continuation of care at home after hospitalization.    

To learn more about our transitional care services and how we support patient care and treatment at home, please
visit our website.
