BrightStar Care nurse checking blood pressure of client

News and Resources

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Showing 10 of 56
  • Sihar - Caregiver of the Year

    Santa Barbara's Very Own Caregiver Wins Award

    July 24, 2024

    Congratulations to Sihar Tambunan, the recipient of BrightStar Care’s Caregiver of the Year Award for the Western Region!

  • Blog

    Physical and Mental Health Connection

    July 9, 2024

    At BrightStar Care of Santa Barbara County, we deeply understand the interconnected nature of physical and mental health. All too often, our physical and mental health are treated as two separate concepts. However, when we concurrently prioritize both our physical and mental health together as fundamental aspects of our overall health and well-being, we can ultimately live even more fulfilling, loving, and joyful lives!

  • American flag

    Interview with Our Very Own Veteran

    May 27, 2024

    Originally called Decoration Day, from the early tradition of decorating graves with flowers, wreaths, and flags, Memorial Day is in remembrance of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country. It also provides an opportunity to learn from those who returned from service and are with us today.

  • Advantages of 24-Hour Care

    Advantages of 24-Hour Care

    May 20, 2024

    For many families, the decision of how best to care for aging loved ones is difficult and emotionally challenging. As we age, it becomes harder to remain independent, and round-the-clock care may become necessary later in life. Fortunately, many providers offer 24-hour home care services with an emphasis on patient comfort, safety and dignity. These services take place in a familiar, relaxing environment. Learn more about 24-hour home care, its advantages and how BrightStar Care of Santa Barbara County can make a difference in your life.

  • Blog

    Pets for Seniors

    May 1, 2024

    In the realm of elderly care, where companionship and emotional support are paramount, the role of pet therapy has emerged as a transformative form of care. As aging adults navigate the complexities of later life, the companionship and unconditional love offered by pets has proven instrumental in fostering mental and emotional well-being.

  • Spring Cleaning for Seniors

    Spring Cleaning for Seniors

    April 10, 2024

    The weather is starting to turn, and it's time to indulge in the annual spring cleaning ritual. It’s extra important for seniors to conduct spring cleaning checklists and let go of items that pose potential threats. So, clean out your garage, straighten up your parents' home, and prepare your living area for the season ahead!

  • Adaptive Exercises for Seniors

    Adaptive Exercises for Seniors

    March 28, 2024

    As we age, maintaining physical fitness becomes increasingly important for overall health and well-being. However, traditional exercise routines may not always be suitable for seniors with varying physical abilities. Fortunately, adaptive exercises offer tailored workouts designed to accommodate individual needs while prioritizing safety and effectiveness.

  • Blog

    Patient Safety Awareness Week

    March 13, 2024

    Patient safety is paramount in healthcare, and raising awareness around this crucial aspect is vital for ensuring the well-being of individuals receiving care. Patient Safety Awareness Week serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of creating safe environments and practices within healthcare settings.

  • Hobbies for Seniors

    Hobbies for Seniors

    February 27, 2024

    Seniors benefit greatly from engaging in activities which promote their  physical and mental well-being. Crafting, gardening, and hobbies have emerged as therapeutic outlets, offering seniors avenues to enhance their mental and physical health while fostering a sense of fulfillment. Let's explore the healing potential of these recreational pursuits for seniors.

  • Valentine's Day + Heart Month

    Celebrating Valentine's Day and American Heart Month

    February 14, 2024

    As February unfolds, it brings with it the celebration of love and affection on Valentine's Day and the observance of American Heart Month. These occasions hold special significance for both caregivers and patients, serving as reminders of the interconnectedness between emotional well-being and heart health.