Falls can be life changing. Take steps now to lower your fall risk.

Falls -- Risks & Prevention

February 8, 2023
BrightStar Care of Carlsbad

Falls are a common and serious concern for seniors over 65 years old. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the #1 cause of injury-related death for this age group. Additionally, falls can lead to significant health issues, including fractures, head injuries, and loss of independence. In this blog post, we'll discuss the risk factors for falls in seniors and what can be done to prevent them.

Risk Factors for Falls in Seniors

There are several risk factors that increase the likelihood of a fall in seniors, including:

  1. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as arthritis, Parkinson's disease, and vision problems, can make it difficult for seniors to maintain their balance and increase the risk of falls.

  2. Medications: Certain medications, such as sedatives and blood pressure medications, can cause dizziness or drowsiness and increase the risk of falls.

  3. Environmental factors: Poor lighting, cluttered spaces, and uneven surfaces can all contribute to falls.

  4. Physical frailty: As we age, our bodies become weaker and our reaction times slow, making us more susceptible to falls.

  5. Lifestyle factors: Lack of exercise, poor nutrition, and excessive alcohol consumption can all contribute to falls in seniors.

Preventing Falls in Seniors

There are several steps that seniors and their caregivers can take to reduce the risk of falls, including:

  1. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise, especially activities that improve balance and strength, such as tai chi and yoga, can help reduce the risk of falls.

  2. Review medications: It is important to regularly review the medications you are taking and discuss any potential side effects with your doctor.

  3. Make home modifications: Simple changes, such as installing grab bars and removing tripping hazards, can help prevent falls at home.

  4. Improve lighting: Make sure that your home is well-lit and consider using a night light to help you see in the dark.

  5. Wear appropriate footwear: Avoid wearing shoes with slippery soles or high heels. Instead, opt for shoes with good traction and support.

In conclusion, falls are a serious concern for seniors over 65 years old, but they are also preventable. By understanding the risk factors and taking steps to reduce them, seniors can maintain their independence and reduce the risk of injury. If you have concerns about falling, talk to your doctor or a specialist in geriatric care for personalized advice and support. 

You can also contact BrightStar Care of Carlsbad for a free in-home safety assessment at 760-448-1021.